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Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine

- [27.3. 2025]
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Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine - 1
Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine - 2
Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine - 3
Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine - 4
Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine - 5
Borovice lesní Print Pinus Sylvestris pine - 6
Print of Pine tree Pinus Sylvestris for botanical teaching purpose. Print has the growing habitus of a typical pine tree on the back side (not visible, because of framing). The print was part of a poster collection of medical plants used to teach. Got the print from the storage of an old pharmacy in Frankfurt/Main, that got closed and cleared out.

The wooden frame is painted and I found it in the village of Jacobsthal (Germany) next to the trash on the streets.

The print got professionally framed in Dresden. The glass is new and with UV protection.

Condition of the frame see pictures.

Ca 76 x 96,5 x 5,5 outer frame
Ca 60 x 80 inner frame
Ca 7 kg

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